
Ovadia Heart Health

Dr Ovadia saves lives. Literally. As a cardiac surgeon he performs heart surgery. As a metabolic health coach, he educates people on how to avoid his operating table.

Dr Ovadia needed ongoing content for his telehealth practice, Ovadia Heart Health, to communicate heart-healthy habits in clear, everyday language. Working with Crosshairs Marketing has helped to increase website traffic where visitors can enter the marketing funnel - swelling the newsletter list to almost 10,000 subscribers, Twitter followers to over 40,000, and book sales over 10,000. There's now a large and engaged audience for any future product launches.



Simplifying the complex

Ovadia Heart Health's information needs to be accessible and actionable by everyone, not only doctors. All content reflects this: medical jargon is avoided except where essential, making Ovadia's communications easy to understand and never overwhelming.

Challenging the status quo

Ovadia Heart Health is on a mission to save lives. This can often mean going against conventional wisdom, exposing vested interests and challenging the dogma around health. This is achieved through repetition and drawing on Dr Ovadia's vast experience.

An eye on growth

As a growing business, content needs to play a role in generating revenue. Organic search has the second-highest engagement time on site, the weekly newsletter's engagement is 3x the industry average, and book sales have surpassed expectations.

Steps to success

As Ovadia Heart Health is based in the USA, we assigned an American writer to create the content. This ensured familiarity with the healthcare and insurance system.

The process begins with keyword research and topic outlines. We then write the articles, including a healthy mix of internal and external links for SEO.

Each article is repurposed into a Twitter thread and newsletter. This increases website traffic at the same time as growing the Twitter account and keeping email subscribers engaged.

Emails average a 64% open rate and 6% click rate, while organic search has become the second-highest source of traffic, engaged sessions, engagement time, and sessions per user.

About Dr Ovadia

Simplifying the complex

Dr Ovadia has overcome his own obstacles on the path to healthy living, and the website content reflects this. Instead of taking an instructional approach that tells people how they should live, the Ovadia Heart Health approach is more empathetic.

Beginning with his own back story and lifelong struggle with obesity, we told the story of how he overcome it and became an expert on metabolic health. We align with the worries, fears, and goals of the readers, offering solutions for weight loss and reducing risk of chronic disease in a friendly, accessible way that doesn't require a degree in medicine to understand.

Email marketing performance stats

Building an engaged audience

Alongside weekly blogs, we create a newsletter that gets sent every weekend. By building a relevant audience and sending emails that we know aligns with their interests and goals, we've been able to achieve average open rates of 63.8% and average click rates of 6.3% - approximately three-times the average for this sector.

Client feedback

“Richard and Crosshairs Marketing have been a major contributing factor to the growth of my business.  They have consistently delivered content that exceeds expectations and arrives within promised timeframes.  Knowing that content creation is taken care of allows me to focus my energies elsewhere."

Dr Philip Ovadia

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