October 14, 2020

I often speak to business owners who want to increase their fees but are stuck in the ‘compete on price’ dilemma. That dilemma is a fear that if you charge more than another company, people will choose that business over yours. The problem is, when you compete on price, you’re dependent on someone else not undercutting

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October 6, 2020

Do you know the importance of your messaging and positioning when it comes to brand perception and pricing limitations? Typically, when people start their business they talk about what they do – and that’s it. It looks like this: “I’m a VA.” “I’m an accountant.” “I do email marketing.” Uh-huh. Big yawn, blank stare. “Great, i’ll keep you in mind.” The fact

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August 21, 2020

Many businesses set their prices with at least one eye on what the competitor is charging. The reasoning is typically “why would someone pay more money to work with me when they can get the service cheaper somewhere else?” Today, we’re going to try and help to break you out of that mindset today, so you can

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August 20, 2020

In the post “Stop wasting money on ads” I wrote about when and why you shouldn’t run ads, and what to focus on instead. In this post, I want to talk about a platform that doesn’t get the attention or credit it deserves for ads: Twitter. Caveat: I’m not suggesting it’s right for everyone, or

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August 19, 2020

PPC ads – Facebook and Google in particular – seem to have reached almost legendary status, with many business owners led to believe that spending on paid traffic is like turning on the customer tap. Unfortunately, the people most open to believing this are the people who aren’t getting the success they’d like or expect

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